Monday, December 21, 2009

Flog Once and For All...

This is my last and final Flog related to My Technology Resources Class. The semester is finally over and it's time to say goodbye to one very new, scary but nevertheless exciting experience! This course has opened my eyes to the limitless potential that exists in the world of Technology. Just because Technology isn't what you do doesn't mean you can't make it work for you... whatever your field may be. I will continue to explore my options because if this course has taught me anything it's that technology is a never ending road... "theres always more you can do... and there is no one way to do it"- my technology resources professor

Flogged Out,


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Peer Website Observation...

Norah- I loveeeeeeeeeeeed her webpage... it is so organized and aesthetically pleasing which for me is the number one necessity of a good webpage. Her clear and uniform set up makes you want to know about her as an individual and just enjoy the simplicity yet elegance of her webpage.

Monica- I can't stop thinking about colors of the rainbow... and that's a good thing... Her website proves just how important it is to make good color choices on a webpage... If it's not eye friendly to viewers, namely me, are likely to leave and never come back... her webpage actually made me smile and kept my interest throughout.

Ashley- I loved how personal her webpage was. It felt like a window had been opened into her life. So much of who she is from her childhood up until her present adulthood was shared with her viewers. I find that having a personable flare to a website can't hurt and in Ashley's case it was truly enchanting.

Shout to All by Classmates for a Job well Done this Semester!!!

Until Next Flog,


To Browse or Not to Browse... A Browser

I find I am very set in my ways when comes to using a particular web browser on a regular basis. I have been using internet explorer for as long as I can remember. I like it because it is what I know... I like the fact that the majority of the pages text is set to one side. It's easy for me to see exactly what my options are and proceed accordingly. The font color and text is also pleasing to the eye... well my eye at least. I find I'm not a big fan of safari or firefox for that matter. Everything is all up in your face the minute the browser opens. I guess I find this to be intimidating but like I said I've used internet explorer for so long that I'm so used to it...anything else just seems "wrong".

Until Next Flog,


Blackboard- Pros vs. Cons...

One of the great perks of this course and every course I've taken at NYU for that matter is that students and teachers have access to a communication network "hub" known as blackboard. I personally find the option to view class documents and assignments at the press of a button to be a rewarding one. There have been so many times when I've needed to comfirm information concerning a course and its requirements in what seemed like a random moment... not having the physical document on hand didn't faze me and in my case I need to avoid as much stress as possible and Blackboard insures that. On the other hand I have had courses where I was required to post bi weekly on blackboard in response to discussion topics and class assignments. I did find this restrictive form of communication to be a con many a time. Sometimes I would not by a computer and sometimes my blackboard would be under construction and I would find myself desperately waiting for it to be "up and running" just so I could hand in an asignment on time. I don't think I would use this specific form of computer networking in my classroom but I do think blackboard is on the "write" track and I would be interested to come in contact with something just as efficient but less restricting.

Until Next Flog,


Brief Relief From the Madness...

Good News... I have finally come across something in this course that I am good at... Our most recent assignment is to devise a group project that encompasses the work we do as Arts Educators...What's even better is that I'm in a group of truly amazing people who are just as passionate about their craft as I am. My group has decided to focus the presentation on the art of Physical Theatre... it just so happens that it touches on all our art fields (theatre, dance and performing art administration). So far the group has come up with some really great ideas of how to present this artform in an innovative as well educational manner to our fellow peers... this project has really got me excited about this class... in a positive way... hopefully all is changing for the best!!!

Until Next Flog,


Harder than Flogging...

So... I mentioned last Flog my revelation of the tunnel of doom that awaits me at the end of this course... The sad thing is I wasn't exaggerating!!! What's even worse is that I like the course... I think what we are learning about is not only cool but extremely useful...and the professor's genuine interest in the subject makes me feel that much worse for "just not getting it". We are learning about creating a personal homepage and in the process we are learning how to Edit Sound and Make Movies, etc... how cool is that?!It's hard... it's really hard... it's way harder than flogging... actually I'm kinda embarrassed because of my short comings... the subject is way to fun to not understand.... Gosh oh Gosh... I'm all Flogged out for now...

Until Next Flog,


The Need to Blog...

I failed to mention in my last Flog... oh by the way I will refer to all blog post from here on out as Flogs... My name is Faith, this course is giving me a mental beating and I am Blogging therefore I am Flogging... Enough Said. But getting back to my point... I failed to mention last Flog that my sudden immersion into the Flogging zone has been induced by none other than the need to complete an assignment for school. More to the Point I am curently enrolled in a Technology Resources for Performing Arts Educators course that requires me to Flog. In the spirit of this unavoidable fact I have decided to flog about my experience in the course thus far. Ummmmmmm... well to put it plain... I am really out of my league... when it comes to all things technological and I mean all things I am as they say "a fish out of water". I must admit this course scares me... not because I am afraid of hard work... no... not the case... I just can't seem to do anything right... I go to class... I take notes... I ask questions... Oh yeah and I listen... but it all seems to go over my head... Like I said I'm scared... and with good reason!!!

Until Next Flog,
