Sunday, December 20, 2009

Blackboard- Pros vs. Cons...

One of the great perks of this course and every course I've taken at NYU for that matter is that students and teachers have access to a communication network "hub" known as blackboard. I personally find the option to view class documents and assignments at the press of a button to be a rewarding one. There have been so many times when I've needed to comfirm information concerning a course and its requirements in what seemed like a random moment... not having the physical document on hand didn't faze me and in my case I need to avoid as much stress as possible and Blackboard insures that. On the other hand I have had courses where I was required to post bi weekly on blackboard in response to discussion topics and class assignments. I did find this restrictive form of communication to be a con many a time. Sometimes I would not by a computer and sometimes my blackboard would be under construction and I would find myself desperately waiting for it to be "up and running" just so I could hand in an asignment on time. I don't think I would use this specific form of computer networking in my classroom but I do think blackboard is on the "write" track and I would be interested to come in contact with something just as efficient but less restricting.

Until Next Flog,


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