Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Need to Blog...

I failed to mention in my last Flog... oh by the way I will refer to all blog post from here on out as Flogs... My name is Faith, this course is giving me a mental beating and I am Blogging therefore I am Flogging... Enough Said. But getting back to my point... I failed to mention last Flog that my sudden immersion into the Flogging zone has been induced by none other than the need to complete an assignment for school. More to the Point I am curently enrolled in a Technology Resources for Performing Arts Educators course that requires me to Flog. In the spirit of this unavoidable fact I have decided to flog about my experience in the course thus far. Ummmmmmm... well to put it plain... I am really out of my league... when it comes to all things technological and I mean all things I am as they say "a fish out of water". I must admit this course scares me... not because I am afraid of hard work... no... not the case... I just can't seem to do anything right... I go to class... I take notes... I ask questions... Oh yeah and I listen... but it all seems to go over my head... Like I said I'm scared... and with good reason!!!

Until Next Flog,


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