Sunday, December 20, 2009

Harder than Flogging...

So... I mentioned last Flog my revelation of the tunnel of doom that awaits me at the end of this course... The sad thing is I wasn't exaggerating!!! What's even worse is that I like the course... I think what we are learning about is not only cool but extremely useful...and the professor's genuine interest in the subject makes me feel that much worse for "just not getting it". We are learning about creating a personal homepage and in the process we are learning how to Edit Sound and Make Movies, etc... how cool is that?!It's hard... it's really hard... it's way harder than flogging... actually I'm kinda embarrassed because of my short comings... the subject is way to fun to not understand.... Gosh oh Gosh... I'm all Flogged out for now...

Until Next Flog,


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