Sunday, December 20, 2009

Peer Website Observation...

Norah- I loveeeeeeeeeeeed her webpage... it is so organized and aesthetically pleasing which for me is the number one necessity of a good webpage. Her clear and uniform set up makes you want to know about her as an individual and just enjoy the simplicity yet elegance of her webpage.

Monica- I can't stop thinking about colors of the rainbow... and that's a good thing... Her website proves just how important it is to make good color choices on a webpage... If it's not eye friendly to viewers, namely me, are likely to leave and never come back... her webpage actually made me smile and kept my interest throughout.

Ashley- I loved how personal her webpage was. It felt like a window had been opened into her life. So much of who she is from her childhood up until her present adulthood was shared with her viewers. I find that having a personable flare to a website can't hurt and in Ashley's case it was truly enchanting.

Shout to All by Classmates for a Job well Done this Semester!!!

Until Next Flog,


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